Active solidarity with Amadeu Casellas, on hunger strike since April 20

Amadeu Casellas has been locked up in Catalunya for over 22 years, and in that time he has been active in the struggles of prisoners of the Spanish State. He is currently being held for longer than the law permits, and last year carried out a 76 day hunger strike that ended with the prison authorities promising to begin his release process.

Five days after beginning his hunger strike, Amadeu Casellas finds himself in a delicate situation, his health is deteriorating faster than he had anticipated, and in just five days he has lost 7 kilos of bodymass.

The decision to go on hungerstrike comes after seeing how the DGSP (General Direction of Penitentiary Services) as well as the direction of the prison and the treatment team of MR-4 at Brians II (prison in Catalunya) are failing to live up to their promises: giving Amadeu a furlough (permitted release) of 3 days first, and then beginning his transfer to open prison so he can eventually be released from prison.

The DGSP, the prison, and the treatment teams, once more, are not completing their promises and are also organizing another frame-up in order to create more obstacles to Amadeu’s release. Amadeu is faced with a new petition from the State Attorney for 8 years of prison, under the false accusation of trying to smuggle drugs into the prison.

On previous occasions they have already tried accusing him of similar things, but the accusations always fell apart.

For all these reasons, Amadeu is beginning a new hungerstrike, starting April 20, demanding his freedom. At this moment, the solicitation for a first furlough from medium security prison is in the judge’s office, and she can resolve this solicitation favorably, even if the treatment team recommends against the furlough.

It should also be mentioned that the DGSP have always had the possibility to grant Amadeu a temporary release of 48 hours, which does not depend on the decision of the judge, yet they have never opted to grant it. For this reason we consider the DGSP, the prison directorate of Brians II, and his treatment team are the most responsible for Amadeu’s current situation.

For all these reasons we request active solidarity with compañero Amadeu, in whatever form each individual finds to be most opportune.


Here are addresses for sending faxes, letters, or calling.

Dirección General de Serveis Penitenciaris
C/ Aragó, 332
08009 Barcelona
Tlf. 93.214 0100
Fax. 93 214 0179

A la atención del Director de Brians-2, Pedro Dominguez
A la atención de la Junta de Tratamiento del MR 4
C.P. Brians 2
Carretera de Martorell a Capellades, km 23
08635 Sant Esteve Sesrovires
Tlf. 93 693 50 00
Fax. 93 693 5013

A la atención de Remei Bona
Jutjat de Vigilància Penitenciària núm. 4 de Catalunya
Via Laietana, 4
08003 Barcelona
Teléfono.- 93 567 4494
Fax. 93 567 4504

A la atención del Fiscal
Fax. 93 567 4444

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