On Friday, September 25, 2020, from 8:30 a.m., another hearing will take place at the District Court in Most in the Fénix 2 case. So far, witnesses have been invited for questioning at the instigation of public prosecutor Václav Richter, who drafted the indictment. More precisely, witnesses who did not testify to anything to confirm the allegations.
This time, witnesses nominated by the defendants themselves in their defense will finally be present.
Recall that four anarchists and one environmentalist are charged with offenses punishable by 3 to 10 years in prison. Support the accused directly in court or by another solidarity action.
Tag Archives: English
Comrades founded a new Project: The MAGPIE PROJECT
We will not pay for what has been stolen from us
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpDw33viOpE
Lukáš Kalina, Zdeněk Vítek, Lubomír Sogel, Tomáš Tichánek, Václav Šupka
and many others. They all took goods in the shops without payment, and
the courts imposed severe penalties on them.
Italy: Update on the anarchists arrested on May 13th in Operation Ritrovo
The german version ist below, the italian version is here: https://malacoda.noblogs.org/post/2020/05/30/aggiornamento-sugli-anarchici-arrestati-il-13-maggio-per-loperazione-ritrovo-it-en/
Giuseppe, Stefania, Duccio, Leonardo, Guido, Elena and Nicole, the seven anarchists arrested on May 13th, 2020, for the «Ritrovo» operation were all released today, May 30th. Four of them are required to stay in the municipality of residence, with return at night from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The same repressive measure, but without signatures at the barracks, was also maintained for two other persons among the five who had not been arrested on May 13th, as they were only subject to the residence obligation. No restrictions were maintained for all the others.
The crime of fire with the aggravating circumstance of subversion or terrorism, of which only one person was accused, was reworded into «damage followed by fire». The accusation of «subversive association with the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order» has been dropped. The accusation of «incitement to commit a crime» remains, without the aggravating circumstance of terrorism.
Continue reading“They inflict all kinds of abuse without being able to subjugate us”
Erschütternder Bericht und Ankündigung eines Streiks aus einer Isolationszelle im Knasts von Palermo, Italien (eng/it)
Der Text ist auch zu finden auf: https://malacoda.noblogs.org/post/2020/05/15/dalla-sezione-di-isolamento-sud-del-carcere-pagliarelli-di-palermo/
Palermo, Italy: From the South isolation section of the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo
We are two prisoners who have been thrown into the isolation section “South” of the Pagliarelli prison (in Palermo) without any judicial measure to justify it. We are Carmine Lanzetta (AS3 [detained in “High Surveillance 3” circuit]) from January in total continuous isolation started with the disciplinary isolation for 10 days that still continues, and Davide Delogu, Sardinian anarchist, from February in continuous isolation for reasons of order and security for which we should not do more than 15 days, held hostage with the revenge of total isolation.
Continue readingItalien: Operation “Ritrovo”. 7 Anarchist*innen festgenommen
*english version below*
Ein Text, der uns per Mail erreichte und von uns übersetzt wurde:
In der Nacht vom 13. Mai 2020 wurden sieben Anarchist*innen zwischen Bologna, Mailand und der Toscana festgenomme, fünf weitere dürfen die Region in der sie gemeldet sind nicht verlassen. Außerdem gab es eine Durchsuchung im anarchistischen Zentrum Il Tribolo in Bologna. Der Angriff der Bullen, sie nennen die Operation “Ritrovo”, wurde vom Stattsanwalt Stefano Dambruoso und der Carabinieri der ROS (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale) koordiniert. Letztere führten auch die Festnahmen und Hausdurchsuchungen durch, in Zusammenarbeit mit den örtlichen Provinzleitung der Carabinieri aus Bologna.
Continue readingDas Fenix 2 Verfahren – der siebente Verhandlungtag (english below)
Am 18. Mai um 8.30 Uhr startet der siebente Verhandlungstag im Fenix 2 Verfahren im Gericht von Most. Zur Erinnerung: Das Verfahren richtet sich gegen vier Anarchist*innen und eine*n Umweltaktivist*in. Ihnen drohen jeweils 3-10 Jahre Haft. Unterstützt die Angeklagten, indem ihr zum Verfahren kommt, oder andere Zeichen der Solidarität schickt.
ABC Tschechien
*english version*
The Fenix 2 trial: the seven hearing
On monday the 18th of May at 8:30 a.m. there will take place the next hearing of Fenix 2 at the court in Most. Just for reminding, the trial is against four anarchists and one environmentalist and they face to 3-10 years of prison. Show support to the accused ones by being present at the court or by any other solidarity action.
ABC Czech Republic
The Fenix 2 trial: the sixth hearing
On monday the 9th of March at 8:30 a.m. there will take place the next hearing of Fenix 2 at the court in Most. This time, there will be present witnesses and the experts who elaborated their opinions on this topics:
- politology: Miroslav Mareš
- language expertise and determining of the authorship: Václava Musilová
- clinical psychology: Pavel Král
Just for reminding, the trial is against four anarchists and one environmentalist and they face to 3-10 years of prison. Show support to the accused ones by being present at the court or by any other solidarity action.
gefunden auf: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/
Trial with the accused in Fenix2

On November 22th, 2019, the trial with 4 anarchists and one
environmentalist accused in operation Fenix 2 will be taking place at the district court of Most, at 8:30 a.m. Come to support them at the courthouse or by any solidarity action. Let them know you are not apathetic to their future as you are not towards the freedom of all of us. Any way of expressing support is welcomed!